Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I love this Family!!!

You know, I do love capturing the love a family has for each other through a camera lens. I think this family has a tremendous amount of love for each other and every one they meet. They continue to inspire me daily with their triumphs and positive outlook on life. My life is so blessed to know them and call them family.

Enjoy these pics. Everything from playing a round of Pretty Pretty Princess, to chill-axing, to running around  and even having an intense family race. So Much FUN!!!


  1. Oh dear, these get me all teared up. Beautiful family. Lindsay, you have a gift for capturing the absolute best version of a person with your lens. So wonderful to see this happy family.

  2. Agreed with Shilo! You camptured this family perfectly. You don't need to be the best at posing! You let a family be a family, and find the most beautiful moments and capture them for all to see and share in their love! Great work!

  3. Love love love!!! The family and the pictures, nice job.

